Research shows that many people suffering from allergies do not get them from outside sources, they actually contract most allergies from their own homes. This comes as a shocking revelation to many, the question then is how to deal with this and allergy proof your home. Avoidance is always the best treatment for allergies regardless of which allergens are the triggers. Interestingly though, most people choose medications or vaccinations to combat the problem, despite their drawbacks.
People feel that the task of allergy proofing the home may be daunting and time consuming for any individual therefore they take minimal steps to combat the problem or start the task at all
There are various causes of allergies in the home; pets which shed dander, cockroaches that carry allergens which are known to cause asthma, mold in damp and dark environments, and the most common causes being the dust mite and pollen from the outdoor environment.
There are many ways to ensure that your home is neat, sanitary and healthy. Follow these steps to allergy proof your home and ensure the health of your family.
In the bedroom wash the bedsheets often in water of at least 54C, avoid carpeting in the room opting to use small washable rugs, use hardwood or linoleum floors, use washable curtains of plain cotton or synthetic fabrics, close windows to avoid pollen allergies opting for air conditioning and ensure to combat mold, avoid ornate furniture that could be hard to clean, clear up your room of clutter ensuring its neat, in wardrobes, make sure the clothes are clean before you store them and ensure the door is always closed to avoid dust particles.
- In the living room also carry on the theme of hardwood or linoleum floors, wash any rugs regularly, replace upholstered furniture with materials such as leather- wood- metal-plastic, use washable curtains made of plain cotton or synthetic fabrics, keep bookshelves closed to avoid dust built up, close windows and rely on air conditioning in pollen season ensuring to clean mold.
- In the kitchen, wash dishes often and don’t leave them piled up as a clean sink will inspire a neat room, wash the stove regularly after each day to avoid food debris , the same for floors, counters and cabinets also ensuring that leftovers are stored properly, as for garbage empty it out often to reduce exposure to roaches and rodents.
- Outside your home, avoid leaving wood furniture around as bugs are fond of such furnishings, prune foliage near the house including bushes- shrubs- trees that can be an entry way to the home for bugs, do not leave stagnant water that can be breeding ground for bacteria.
- A baby’s room must be kept especially sanitary and it is a good idea to eliminate potential irritants and allergens from your baby’s environment. So, to keep the baby’s room clean and allergy proof ensure you use wood furniture, avoid using stuffed animals in the room unless they are washed often, keep bookcases closed and keep pets away from the room.
Cleaning your home is not such a hard task and ensuring there are no allergens to risk your overall health is especially important so put these tips into practice and live an allergy free life.