If you have heard of eczema then you most certainly know about work related dermatitis. This is a skin condition that occurs when you engage in a lot of manual work as the name implies. You will find that most working conditions whether in the home or at the workplace, increase the likelihood of catching dermatitis or aggravating it if one is already a victim of this disease. Eczema or dermatitis usually affects the face and hands as most times these are the parts we leave exposed to different substances such as enzymes, dust, allergens and chemicals. As a result the importance of protective clothing during any work session cannot be over emphasized. Always wear some form of protective gear to prevent direct contact between your skin and harmful elements. Contact dermatitis caused as a result of work can be induced by various things including dyes, coolants, oils, plants, fungi and recurrent use of water.
Treatment of work related dermatitis
Dermatitis can be very irritating and debilitating especially work-wise if not well taken care of. While there are medical solutions that can be adopted to control and ease the pain and symptoms caused by dermatitis, there is no absolute cure for this skin disease. There are, however, lifestyle changes that can help you deal with the symptoms better so for instance if you used to take baths you will have to start taking showers instead. You may also be forced to start using mild types of soaps and cosmetic products as opposed to harsh and scented ones. After taking a shower, people with eczema cannot rub the towel over their skins to dry, they have to pat dry to prevent further damage to the skin. Work related dermatitis forces you as an individual to take extra care of not just your skin but also the rest of your body. You will have to avoid all situations and locations that seem to aggravate the eczema.
Prevention of dermatitis
One cannot entirely avoid work or chores at home so it is better to device ways through which this condition can be controlled. If you are working with a certain chemical or substance and you notice that it brings on irritation to your skin get rid of it and find a milder alternative. Always wear protective clothing if you intend on getting your skin wet for longer than two hours. Gloves, overalls, splash guards and retractors are some few examples of protective gear that can be used in such situation. Frequent checkup at your physician’s whenever you get irritation or redness on your skin can help avert work related dermatitis.
Taking incidences of work related dermatitis lightly can have serious ramifications especially for those who own factories, work places and homes where it as occurred. Employs can sue you for negligence and failure to facilitate their safe working. The financial implications of this are far reaching. It is also important to know what dermatitis is, the existing types (contact irritant and contact allergic) and to educate employees about this through workshops and training forums. Some good cleaning companies also often have brochures with such vital information.
Everyone works. This article is a summary that informs the reader regarding the topic of dermatitis and in particular work related dermatitis. It also elucidates on prevention and treatment measures one can undertake.